“People don’t buy what you do; people buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek

There are so many philosophies on how we should succeed in this world.  I have always found it difficult to fit into the boxes created for success.  I’ve struggled crazily to be able to express clearly what I want in my life and I often thought, maybe I’m just not smart enough or good enough.

In the past few years I have proven to myself that I am smart enough and that I am good at what I do.  Yet I often still have a hard time finding the words to express it, to get others to understand what it is I want, what I need, etc.

All I know is that I feel it in my gut and I’m going crazy to get it out.

And even more over the past year, I have realized that a reason I have been struggling is because I was still working to fit into that box.  A box I am now shedding.  I have been working to find my voice, MY VOICE, not the voice of success, but the voice that calls out to who I am and who I want to be.

I highly recommend, especially for anyone in the arts who has difficulty finding the WORDS to watch Simon Sinek in this TED Talk “How great leaders inspire action”.  It’s truly inspiring and eye-opening. You may find yourself…looking at you in a new way.

I act because it gives me a voice.

I act because it connects me to other people

I act because when I do it is an opportunity to share myself with the world