Finding Beauty

During the pandemic, time became this precious and encompassing gift. I didn’t have to ride the train, drive to the store or even talk to anyone but Scott if I didn’t want to. I allowed myself space and silence, time to enjoy my beautiful home and the precious fur-balls that make me a better person. I gave my Shyann almost another full year because we could be there. We brought in a new member of the family.

Time, it was finally mine to use, to give, to waste. I went back to meditation, something I’d picked up and put down for years. I sat and listened and prayed – to who or what I don’t really know but I did. In each sit I heard more, listened more, let more in – and out. The anxiety and fear and depression settled and I found a source within myself. Silence.

I am silence. I love silence. The silence of the internal mind. The silence of every awareness. I remembered who I was and that I wasn’t unworthy, just afraid. Love, the source was there, and now I had a lap to lay my head down on. I finally let love back in.

Pura vida!



Silence feeds me

like no other music 


I hear nothing

but my own breath

and my mind

whispering to me

it’s okay.


This moment

is simply for you 


You don’t need

voices or sounds

to distract you


Just your breath

Just silence

Just the power of you

© Nichole Donje