The Past Made Present

How on earth am I still sometimes silenced? How can that be? The façade I’ve held up, for all to see, shows the story of strength and wisdom, yet still – I’m silenced. In the past it was others, now it is something I do to myself.

It is not my literal voice that is stuffed but my emotional one. It started to shut down about 6 or 7 years ago. I finally discovered when and the why. It was, yes again, people I loved. This time I wasn’t silenced with control, I was silenced with both guilt and abandonment.

The struggle for me is always –

What did I do?

Did I say something to offend or hurt them?

Why did they leave or hurt me?

Do they even realize the pain they caused, how much I loved them?

I know having “the talk” is how it should be answered, but I’ve tried and one cannot see the truth for their own fear and pain, the other believes they did nothing wrong. And as someone I trust and admire says, “What You Think of Me Is None of My Business”. I try regularly to remember this.

I’ll never have the answers or the results I want. No one else can do that, this is on me. I’ve been working on it for 3  years now. Letting go, re-opening my heart, working to build trust in myself and others again. Yes, still I am silenced sometimes – but I’m always working towards breaking the facade to see the beauty in being vulnerable again.

The doors and windows are now open. It’s more than a start.

If anyone has ever felt this way, you are not alone. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Vulnerability is always welcome here.

Namastè &  Pura Vida

Where we find joy

Earlier today when Scott and I decided to take our fur kids for a walk, the excitement filled the room the minute the words formed, “do you wanna go for a walk?

Yup, energy, zoom, joy, excitement!

It’s such fun to watch the exhilaration – to feel it.

Getting their clothes on – an arm for a treat – through the harness. Mo, pausing, pouting because now we have to go pee and he has to wait. Then, out the door and down the driveway the chill hitting us – winter is no longer coming – it’s here.

As we wandered along our usual path around the corner and down the hill working hard to stay to the left as cars pass – there are no sidewalks – Mo sniffs the shit out of every blade of grass left on the frosted ground and Lily pulls steadily forward searching for a nibble here and there.

But – it’s this moment – as we stopped to pick up what they have left behind, and Lily pulls from Scott to me, looking so lovingly at me and craving my attention. Reaching up, determined to get her hug as she stands on hind legs and I bend to give her the hug that comforts and consoles us both.

The Bellie

So precious, looking at me with those sparkling eyes. I can’t help but smile. She’s been so good all day, sitting mostly quiet by my side. Asking for attention but letting me go back as I need. I hate to disappoint her so I’m sure to bend down and give her kisses on her big ‘ole noggin.

I cannot understand why anyone would judge her simply for what she is. She had no choice, and we will love her all the more for it.

I can’t wait to be done with my daily commitments so I can get down on the floor with her and see that beautiful pink belly looking up at me as I give her the love, she deserves.

Little Moments

I long to befriend fear
– to walk hand and hand,
heart to hope.

Well, this Happened

It’s time to emerge. Emerge and embrace where I am and what’s next. It’s certainly not what I planned but I think it’s something we all think about – How will I react sitting in a doctor’s office getting bad news? The dreaded news that your life is about to change. I realize now I’ve been wandering through life with the ignorance of a teenager who thinks or at least lives as if they’re immortal. Turns out that, well, WTF! I’m not!

I survived Meningitis as a baby and a brain tumor and surgery as an adult. Luck? Who really knows? It’s a silly question really. Luck is just a trick we play on ourselves when we don’t have practical answers.

This time, last year I went on a meditation retreat at the Omega Institute with Jeff Warren, he’s awesome by the way, check him out. It was amazing. I had never gone that deep for so long as we did. Over 100 people in a room, not to mention virtually, sharing space and energy. I absolutely thought more than once I’d fall asleep, but I didn’t. I stayed present, I was awake. Awake to myself, to commitment and belief that this was meaningful. Oh, and I had one of the best massages in my life, I get them fairly regularly – so that’s saying something. I will say there is something to be said about a masseuse who’s also an energy healer – but I digress, maybe another time.

After the retreat later that week, I started to feel off. I thought, wow, I went deep and brought up all the shit deeply embedded, and I was realizing it. Two weeks later I was still sick and now on day four of fevers, I went to urgent care, nothing. Went to my doctor; nothing. Test after test, then specialists: hematologist, infectious disease, rheumatologist, nephrologist – Check – check – check. Finally, the hematologist looks at me and says, well, something’s not right there’s a reason you don’t feel well. My blood numbers were off the charts. We clung to his words – I really don’t see this coming back as cancer. He was certain it was some autoimmune issue, and it didn’t take much to convince me to do a bone marrow biopsy when he said it was the most efficient way to find what was wrong.

After three months of tests, specialists, daily fevers, no sleep etcetera, he was right. I was sitting on the couch, two friends over, it was recommended I not be alone in case I fainted. I was severely anemic. We were sitting chatting and I got a call (I’d begun to answer numbers I didn’t know since all of this had happened).

It was my hematologist, very excited –

We got it, we know what it is, it’s Multiple Myeloma! I’ve called my colleague at the Myeloma Center, he runs it, and he knew what it was immediately. He’d absolutely seen it before. Here’s his number, he’s expecting your call. This is great news, this is treatable.

Great? Ah, thanks. I hung up, my friends only hearing mm-hmms and okays then taking notes. I look at them both and say – umm… It seems I have cancer. Multiple Myelomablood cancer. Now, I have feared blood cancer for years (ask my therapist), always afraid my good health had a hijacker. I had all these questions for years getting things checked because of a pain or a strange shift I felt in my body. Everything is normal, every time. I’d think – well, what can’t they see? I know my body, something is off.

It is a specialized illness and I clung to the doctor’s words, “it’s treatable”. I used them hard, and so did my husband, over and over.

I started treatment Immediately was out of work for six months and went on an educational trip through the internet trying desperately not to Google generally. Because yes, it is treatable, but for how long? Turns out this is a cancer that, though rare, is the second most common blood cancer in the world. Who knew? I’d never heard of it. In the past five years so many treatments have come to fruition -but – there is no cure, and it is guaranteed to come back. This is a lifelong, chronic illness, a ticking time bomb that I now must learn how to live with. That teenage immortality has been eaten away by vicious plasma cells invading my bones. I’ve learned a lot, I joined a support group, I’m taking a writing class, and I’m working on getting back to coaching after this lovely relaxing hiatus. Seriously!?!

This is honestly something that could kill me much sooner than my plan in life. It is also something that holds hope. I can live a good and long life. I’ve often felt when others have struggled or suffered, why me? Why am I OK? What did I do to deserve so much, and they not? Such fucking stupid questions! Sadly, it has nothing to do with what we do or who we are. This is simply the TRUTH – life is hard.

So – here is my new question and how I plan to see things as I move forward…

Why not me?
Why should I not be healthy – lucky – fortunate?
Why not?

I can and should survive. I can and will be fortunate. I will live my life fully and for a long period because why the fuck not me? I’m young. I’m strong. I’m determined. I’m terrified, but come on, who isn’t? We’re all afraid. But it’s no reason to give up. It’s exactly the reason to get up and take that next step.

I am alive and I am grateful. Whatever your situation, I ask the same for you. We all deserve the best, so let’s work to make the best of the things out of our control while bringing joy to all the things in our lives that we can.

So now, I send YOU love and healing for whatever you might be going through.

How have you helped yourself through difficult times?
What is a song you play that makes everything better even for just a few minutes?
What is it about that song?
What do you do for comfort when you’re afraid?

Please share if you’re called to or know someone this could support.

Love to all.

Namastè & Pura Vida my friends!

Happy Sept 1st! Let’s get Grounded

“The beginning is always today.”

– Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Hey there,

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted and I thought a nice grounding meditation to start the month off right was the perfect way to start.

FYI – This is a video, click to watch.

Hope this brings a little calm to your day.

Namastè & Pura Vida my friends!

Little Moments

I vow not to be held down, to learn to let go, to breathe deep and head straight into fear.



#artist #nicholedonjeartist #southie #southboston #boston #nyc #newyorkcity #ny #yonkersny #yonkers #photography #poetry #writing #art #lifelessons #personalgrowth #dogmomma #activism #feminism #theatre #director #connection #selfcare #selflove #acceptance #nature #compassion #curiousty #creativity #courage #trust #poet #haiku #ACCCT

Little Moments

It’s not about balance. It’s the back and forth, the up and down, the shared weight. It’s about when you fall, after teetering on the edge, someone being there to catch you.






We try
to soften the blow
with bubbles
that snap and
make us giggle
as we pack
and unpack
our memories,
long damaged
from the traumas of our past
and fears
of the future.


A laugh.
A sigh.
A jump.

Then back into the box it goes,
intentionally leaving
behind a small
squishy scrap
so that we can…


with fondness
and not pain.
