Where we find joy

Earlier today when Scott and I decided to take our fur kids for a walk, the excitement filled the room the minute the words formed, “do you wanna go for a walk?

Yup, energy, zoom, joy, excitement!

It’s such fun to watch the exhilaration – to feel it.

Getting their clothes on – an arm for a treat – through the harness. Mo, pausing, pouting because now we have to go pee and he has to wait. Then, out the door and down the driveway the chill hitting us – winter is no longer coming – it’s here.

As we wandered along our usual path around the corner and down the hill working hard to stay to the left as cars pass – there are no sidewalks – Mo sniffs the shit out of every blade of grass left on the frosted ground and Lily pulls steadily forward searching for a nibble here and there.

But – it’s this moment – as we stopped to pick up what they have left behind, and Lily pulls from Scott to me, looking so lovingly at me and craving my attention. Reaching up, determined to get her hug as she stands on hind legs and I bend to give her the hug that comforts and consoles us both.